
As an artist, I've explored various creative paths and have a solid foundation in the principals of visual design .  I like to hyper-fixate on research assignments and I enjoy organizing data-sets to find patterns or track behavior.  I love collaborating with a team to ensure accurate attention to detail on various moving parts. I highly value others perspectives and encourage constructive feedback.   I learned HTML and CSS as a novice coder but realized my skillset was better utilized in a more creative role.  However, the training did provide me with an education on how sites are built and the scope of work involved in design decisions.

various technology screens such as laptop, and tablet.
Companies I've worked with
Liminal Collective Logo
wylan/james developments logo
Legacy Gifts Logo
logo for Tech Noir E-commerce fashion App

My process

product development life cycle has five stages: brainstorm, define, design, test, and launch.

Lead Strategy - Designer Webflow Template


Understand your audience, and identify any needs or challenges they may have.  Interview potential users, conduct surveys and check out your product's competition.

Innovative - Designer Webflow Template


Who is the product for, and what features need to be included for the product to be successful? Outline the goals and problems that need to be solved. Map out your site navigation.

Team Work - Designer Webflow Template


Create storyboards and wireframes to visualize the design aesthetic.  Collect assets like images, videos and text. Test the functionality of your design with a clickable prototype.

Goal Oriented - Designer Webflow Template


Gather feedback from stakeholders and potential users. Testing designs for glitches, usability problems, company alignment, and accessibility.

Goal Oriented - Designer Webflow Template


Test new version

Goal Oriented - Designer Webflow Template


New users might find problems with the product’s functionality or features that no one noticed before.

Team Work - Designer Webflow Template


Edit prototypes

Goal Oriented - Designer Webflow Template

(re) Launch

repeat if necessary.


User Research

backgrounds, demographics, motivations, pain points, emotions, and goals - surveys, observations, and interviews

Information architecture

The framework of a website or how it’s organized, categorized, and structured  - Diagram of Content Navigation


A Basic Outline of what the pages will look like using grey shapes, lines and placeholder text - A Basic Sketch of each screen.


early model of a product that demonstrates its functionality - Interactive website or app.

Visual design

the connection between aesthetic considerations and Brand identity- Elements of Design.

What my past clients say?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Turpis scelerisque purus eu quis lacus, nibh pharetra.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Sophie Moore - Designer Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Creative Director @ Google

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Andy Smith - Designer Webflow Template
John Carter
Design Lead @ Facebook

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Alan Miller - Designer Webflow Template
Alan Miller
Product Manager @ Instagram

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Sophie Moore - Designer Webflow Template
Sophie Moore
Creative Director @ Google

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Andy Smith - Designer Webflow Template
John Carter
Design Lead @ Facebook

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Diam in viverra nullam et dui ultricies mattis amet, non. Cursus bibendum sed id in at enim. Nisi, et tellus ultricies nunc. Ante eleifend ultrices sagittis.”

Alan Miller - Designer Webflow Template
Alan Miller
Product Manager @ Instagram

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Dribbble UI - Designer Webflow Template
Dribbble UX - Designer Webflow Template
Dribbble Web Designer - Designer Webflow Template
Dribbble Product Designer - Designer Webflow Template